Saturday, March 24, 2012

DOs and DON'Ts of Mobile Strategy

DOs and DON'Ts of Mobile Strategy Video Clips. Duration : 74.60 Mins.

Google Tech Talk October 8, 2010 Presented by Jason Grigsby. ABSTRACT John Battelle recently wrote, "Mobile. It's on everyone's lips, but no one knows what the hell to do about it." You don't have to look very far to find examples that prove his point. Over the last year, Jason Grigsby has been collecting examples of where companies are making mistakes when it comes to their mobile strategies and desperately seeking examples of those who get it. In this presentation, Jason will talk about the DOs and DONTs of mobile strategy. Learn from both the outstanding success and cringe-worthy failures of others as you begin to formulate your plans for navigating the mobile landscape. Finally, we'll look at methods for evaluating mobile strategies based on demographics, mobile context, and the unique characteristics of mobile devices. Jason Grigsby was one of the project leads on the Obama iPhone Application and helped design the user inferface for the Wall Street Journal's Blackberry application. He founded and organizes Mobile Portland, a local mobile group. Jason is a co-founder of Cloud Four, a small start-up focused on mobile and web development. He blogs at and provides a frequent updates about mobile as @grigs on Twitter.

Tags: google tech talk, mobile

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